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Swoboda Inc. collects Supplier Award 2013 from General Motors

Winning a quality prize is not something you can take for granted.

Winning one twice in a row, is certainly something special. The 1st of October saw our subsidiary in the US collect the “General Motors Supplier Quality Excellence Award“ for the second time in a row.
Swoboda Inc. received this award from General Motors Holding Company - formerly Delphi-Rochester, New York - for the perfect delivery of 7.3 million Fuel Injector Solenoid coils for 6 and 8-cylinder engines. "The result of "zero“ PPM in the period July 2012 and June 2013 is the result of hard work, reliable staff and sophisticated production processes.“ says line manager Jason Skibbe at the awards. The production line was built in 2005 and constantly improved in terms of automation and quality.
The Supplier Quality Excellence Award is given annually to particularly efficient suppliers. These have to exceed the rigorous quality and performance criteria and also successfully support the customer's entire organisation.