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Swoboda at the 22nd Allgaeu apprenticeship „Lehrstellenboerse“ 03/07/2019 On Saturday, 23 March 2019, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., the traditional „Lehrstellenboerse“ will take place at the vocational school and the State School… Continue reading Swoboda expands development center 02/15/2019 The internationally active automotive supplier Swoboda recently opened a modern new building at its research and development center in Schorndorf near… Continue reading Swoboda at the Automotive Meeting in Mexico 01/21/2019 Swoboda will be represented at the Automotive Meeting in Queretaro / Mexico from 19 to 21 February 2019. The international manufacturers' forum for… Continue reading Swoboda expands its expertise: Acquisition of ISZ GmbH and PST GmbH Karlsruhe 10/18/2018 Swoboda, globally established automotive component supplier, has recently acquired the Karlsruhe-based companies Ingenieur-Systemgruppe Zahn GmbH… Continue reading Swoboda at electronica 2018 - Hall B2 / 161 10/05/2018 Electronics and software are already responsible for over ninety percent of all automotive innovations. Continue reading IZB 2018 – Meet us there! 08/20/2018 Swoboda takes part at the 10th International Suppliers Fair from the 16th to the 18th of October at Allerpark in Wolfsburg. Continue reading Swoboda among "Bavaria's Best 50" 07/25/2018 Swoboda was one of the winners of the "Bavaria's Best 50" competition at Schleissheim Palace near Munich on Monday, July 23, 2018. Continue reading Swoboda: merger and new logo announcement 07/03/2018 As already announced in March this year, Swoboda and its sister company, the Hartmann-exact group, based in Schorndorf, South of Germany, merged on… Continue reading 12th International Congress and Expo CTI Symposium USA 04/30/2018 The Swoboda-Hartmann Group represents itself at the CTI Symposium in the US. Continue reading Swoboda sets future course 03/06/2018 The international automotive supplier Swoboda is realigning itself. With a new management division and the complete merging of its sister company… Continue reading previous 123456 next