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New Swoboda Internet presence 12/09/2019 The new Swoboda Group website is online. As part of the strategic development of the technology company, the online presence has also been adapted. It… Continue reading Start of Training at Swoboda Wiggensbach 09/12/2019 On the 1st of September, 16 trainees began their training at Swoboda in Wiggensbach. A few weeks earlier, the new trainees and their parents were able… Continue reading Swoboda with interactive seat at "Interieur im Automobil" 08/23/2019 Swoboda will be at the Bayern Innovativ Forum "Interieur im Automobil 2019" in Ingolstadt on September 26th. The neutral institution of the Free State… Continue reading Swoboda Kunshan wins Jaguar Land Rover Best Quality Award 2019 08/12/2019 Swoboda Kunshan has received the Jaguar Land Rover Best Quality Award 2019. In a ceremony with the core management team of Swoboda Kunshan Mr. Ian… Continue reading Excellent quality: Swoboda Kunshan receives VW´s Best Quality Supplier 2019 Award 07/12/2019 In July, the Swoboda plant in Kunshan received the award from the VW Tianjin transmission plant for its outstanding quality in components for the DQ… Continue reading Social media workshop with trainees 07/01/2019 Swoboda attaches great importance to the qualification of its trainees. Topics that sensitize young people to the risks of everyday life are regularly… Continue reading Visit of the University of Applied Sciences Kempten 06/19/2019 As part of a lecture on stamping and forming technology, about 20 students of mechanical engineering and industrial engineering recently visited… Continue reading Swoboda at Karrieretag Familienunternehmen - apply now! 05/02/2019 Swoboda will participate again at Karrieretag Familienunternehmen on July 5, 2019 at TRUMPF GmbH + Co. KG in Ditzingen, Germany. Only accredited… Continue reading Delegate of the German parliament visit Swoboda for Information 04/29/2019 As part of her Swabian tour to family-friendly companies, Ulrike Bahr (SPD), delegate of the parliament, visited the company Swoboda in Wiggensbach.… Continue reading Swoboda at CTI Symposium US 04/08/2019 This year Swoboda takes part at the CTI Symposium USA again. The exhibition in Novi, Michigan, presents annually the latest technical developments and… Continue reading previous 123456 next