Společnost Filozofie Závody Management Společníci a Swoboda Holding Historie a Ocenění Naše odpovědnost Kompetence Vývoj produktů Výroba Řízení kvality Produkty & řešení Řešení pro oblast automotive Řešení mobility Průmyslová řešení Kariéra Nabídka pracovních míst Žáci Studenti Absolventi & začátečníci v profesní kariéře Pracovníci s praxí Regiony Servis & download Certifikáty Dodavatelé Download Novinky & akce Novinky Veletrhy a akce DE EN CN ES CS RO
"And the Oscar goes to ...." The Swoboda Image video 03/05/2017 Learn more about the Swoboda World. Continue reading Congratulations Quality has it's price (and also won a prize) 01/03/2017 Excellent quality is no coincidence. In this case, it comes from the Swoboda Hartmann plant in Romania. Continue reading New contacts - Swoboda at electronica in Munich 12/01/2016 3,000 companies from over 50 countries, nearly 75,000 visitors with a total of 88 different nationalities, and a motto that has moved the industry… Continue reading 37 new high-tech jobs - Michigan Strategic Fund's high tech development program 05/13/2016 The Right Place, Inc., an organization for regional economic development together with its local and state partners in Kentwoodt, confirmed the… Continue reading Worldwide quality manufacturing: Swoboda builds new plant in Mexico 11/26/2014 The Swoboda Group is growing! Continue reading Swoboda in Sibiu, Romania, celebrates its 10th anniversary A wonderful extravaganza 10/29/2014 The plant in Sibiu has good reason to celebrate, and it kept on celebrating. Continue reading Swoboda in Sibiu, Romania, celebrates plant expansion "Pillar of Success" 10/27/2014 At Swoboda's site in Sibiu, Romania, two events were celebrated at the end of October. Continue reading Bavarian Quality Award 2014 goes to Wiggensbach, Bavaria: Lived Quality Standards 03/19/2014 The Swoboda KG from Wiggensbach was bestowed the Bavarian Quality Award 2014 at the Munich Residence. Continue reading Swoboda Inc. collects Supplier Award 2013 from General Motors 10/16/2013 Winning a quality prize is not something you can take for granted. Continue reading Opening ceremony in Kunshan 09/12/2013 Only a year and a half after the foundation stone was laid, the moment has arrived: The success is now also officially "accessible“. Continue reading previous 123456 next